Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Some photos from last weekend! My friend talked me into going to Burbank equestrian center to ride horses Sunday. I have a horse in Colorado and growing up I learned to always respect the brilliance of this animal, and to never test their patience.


Unknown said...

amazing photos, love your leather jacket. thanks for commenting on my blog :)

<3 steffy

Collections said...

Great pictures, the horse is so cute. Love your hat!

xx said...

love the first picture and the horses are stunnig xx

Cara said...

Love the photos! You look lovely with the boys ;)
xo Cara

Katherine said...

You look great! I like the equestrian theme :)

moustachic said...

i love the first picture of the horsie so cute!
thanks for your sweet comment xx

costra y ampolla said...

your friends are HOT! loving the horsies!

Leigh said...

great photos!!! the ones of the horses are especially amazing :)

Julie Iliana said...

these are awesome pictures! :) you look beautiful in the 1st one! and those horses are just adorable! I've never been on one, too scared haha. plus, with your comment about not testing their patience just made me change my mind hehe :p

Aquí said...

love all the fancy hair dos of these horses :)

The Science Fair said...

Hi, there!

Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog! I'm so glad I found yours!

I love the horse photos. What a fun day that must have been!

Looking forward to checking out more of your blog!

Have a wonderful week and happy Thursday! : )


Laurita P said...

those are some sexy friends you have...

Ria said...

I love horses! I used to live on a ranch, this post is making me want to go riding.

Ashley said...

Loving the horse pictures! I wish I knew how to ride a horse!


dejoiss said...

It's so cool that you have a horse! I wish I have one too! :)) It must be very fun to ride on it. :)

dejoiss ♥

Amber said...

I bet this was so much fun! I love the photos :)

Francesca said...

The horsies are so cute ^_^ You have a great blog!