Thursday, May 27, 2010

Inda is a Go


WeSC woven/ Wesc jacket/ Endovanera trousers/ Sebago shoes/ Neff beanie

Riding bikes in Venice is a good way to start any Sunday. The Colors are insane and like a movie theater you can be experiencing something with someone but you don't have to speak to make a memory.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

City of Angels


Rick Owens Jacket/ SOC top/ Gifted leggings/ YSL heels/ Rite Aid fishnet soxs, SOC accessories
Photos: Adam Bice
LA is a backdrop for so many things in life. It’s impossible not to use it, enjoy it, capture it. Why not skip in 6” heels!? We only live once…it’s only an ankle.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Beginnings